On Emotions

Emotions: A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling.


How deeply do you feel the world around you?

Tell me - has this ever happened to you?

You’ve been working all day - mostly alone - in a neutral mood.

Your partner comes home from work. You’re in the kitchen, chatting about dinner - and all the sudden you’re in a bad mood. They look at you and say - “what’s wrong with you?” 

You pause, think about it, and realize - you have no idea what’s wrong. 

Sound familiar?

When you watch a movie - do you easily cry or feel the character’s emotions?

Or do you ever wake up in a bad mood for no reason?

Leave a comment about one of your experiences with emotional highs and lows.

In Human Design, the solar plexus center is the home of emotions.

If you have an Emotional Authority (defined solar plexus) - your emotions move through you like a wave, without control over how big the emotions are or when they come.

With an undefined solar plexus - you’re naturally cool, calm AND a sponge to how others feel. 

** if your authority in human design isn’t “emotional” - you are open emotional (undefined solar plexus) **


When you catch yourself in a mood without a reason why - what if you took it on from others, even in passing?

If you can’t link it to a cause - as an open emotional - it’s likely not yours.

It could be as simple as the music and podcast you listened to that day.

Or you felt the sadness of a cashier at Target.

Or your partner has an emotional authority - and you picked up on their emotional high or low.

If you know WHY you’re upset as an open emotional - for example, I’m sad because my dog is sick - then can you let yourself feel the emotion however you need to? 

But when you’re moody and have no clue why - is it necessary to hang on to it?

Especially if it’s effecting you and those around you. 

Next time you absorb other’s emotions - can you let your mood go with a reset button (even if you don’t know where it came from) instead of letting it ruin your day? Even if it’s just a few minutes.

What would a reset button look like for you?

We all need a toolbox of little and big reset buttons.

Ideas for Reset Buttons

  • A walk and fresh air

  • A glass of water and a snack

  • A shower

  • A meditation

  • A bike ride

  • A shower

  • 10 deep breaths 

  • Going for a run 

  • A gym session

  • A sauna session

  • A cold plunge

  • A dance break 

  • An orgasm 

  • A hot bath 

Open Emotional: You're not too sensitive

You’re gift of feeling the world around you is a superpower if you let it be. 

If you don’t have your Human Design chart yet - check out this blog on the fundamentals of human design.

If you want the specifics of your unique emotional framework - book your foundational session here.

Any shares about your own emotional framework? I’d love to hear. Leave a comment below.

Here’s to living fully!

XO -



Life as a Projector in Human Design


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