Life as a Projector in Human Design
A Projector client told me a story of an ex-boyfriend that she always butt heads with back in the day.
Over time - no matter what she said to him - he’d be annoyed, roll his eyes and eventually resented her. Even though she was born wise with a unique perspective on the world, her ex didn’t see her that way.
He didn’t see her as an authority in the topics she’d share about. He didn’t see her as someone with a gift for improving and making things more efficient.
A guide - able to easily tweak, improve and make things more efficient - naturally, other’s can only take in a Projector’s insights if they see them as an authority figure AND actually want to hear what they have to say.
A Projector’s wisdom is shared effectively when invested into their craft - then other's can recognize them as the one to come for with whatever their niche is.
A Message for Projectors //
You’re able to see something from a different perspective – your own niche - whether that’s reading into people, devising systems, or designing new ways of doing things - you have a special ability of your own.
With inconsistent energy levels, you aren’t designed to over work, hustle or push yourself to success. You thrive when you manage your energy levels.
If you advise and consult with others all day long, burnout and adrenal fatigue come easy. Rest and be committed to your non-negotiable needs - it helps you thrive creating your true success.
The more clear you are mentally, the more rested you are physically, the stronger you are on all levels - the more connected you’ll be to your niche and wisdom.
Don’t see your need for rest or a different speed as a negative.
You’re not lazy. You’re efficient.
You’re not built for an all day burn - but instead an efficient use of your energy. The more you trust yourself and your unique framework - instead of trying to keep up with hustle culture - the more you’ll open up to your version of success.
In other for others to receive your wisdom and what you see so differently in the world - they need to see you as the one who knows what they want to know about (the authority), AND they have to actually want to hear what you have to say, AKA waiting for the invitation.
If those two things aren’t in place - when you share your wisdom with others - it won’t land. If you don’t wait for the “invitation” - you’ll likely just feel like you’re sharing your wisdom with others, and it’s just smacking you back in the face.
Do you love a Projector?
Are you dating or married to a Projector? Or have a Projector sibling or parent in the family?
When you’re inspired and genuinely curious - ask for their insight or viewpoint on a particular topic you respect their opinion on.
Being recognized for their wisdom, gifts, and viewpoint feels like a love bomb for most Projectors. It’s a way to honor their whole self.
Respect their need for rest and inconsistent energy levels. Their way of doing things may not look like yours - but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
Projectors - do you connect to this post?
Leave a XO below if you connect with it.
What was your top takeaway? I’d love to hear from you.
here’s to living fully -
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