Individual + Partnership Sessions

  • Individual Session // 1:1

    A 60-Min or 90-Min coaching conversation with me customized to your unique blueprint.

    Whether you’re new to self-discovery or been at it for years - each session is completely customized to you.

    There’s no pre-reqs to experience an insight session. From unlocking your strengths and talents, to breaking down your personality and learning style, and how you can optimize your life specific to your unique chart - topics are endless for insight sessions.

    • Life Purpose

    • Career

    • Relationships

    • Wellness

    • Manifesting and Strategy

    • Day to Day Practices

    • Emotions and Fears

    • Money and Abundance

    • Parenting

    • Learning Styles, Creativity and more …

    Perfect for your first session to understand the foundation of your chart, or if you’ve had a session before and are ready for more.

    Book an insight sessions to drop-in for specific questions, to focus on a certain topic, have a yearly check-in or see your design from a new perspective - offered in 60 or 90 minute options.

    Bring your questions, curiosity, and an open mind.

    60 Minutes $250

    90 Minutes $360

    Virtual in ZOOM (video optional)

    Audio recording available for download after session.

  • Partnership Session // 1:2

    A 60-Minute or 90-minute conversation with me exploring two charts and how they interact and connect together.

    These sessions are ideal for enhancing partnerships for couples, business partners, siblings, and parent/child relationships.

    Whether you’re each new to these tools or well-versed - sessions are customized to meet you both exactly where you’re at.

    Common topics explored?


    • How you both exchange energy and support each other

    • Your unique learning styles and personality, how you're each built to make decisions

    • The gifts and talents that amplify when you're together, your life purpose and themes

    • Your sensitivities and emotional framework

    • Your driving forces

    • Relationships to money and abundance

    • Strategy and manifestation styles

    • How you integrate with your kids, your sexuality and desires and more …

    Bring your questions, curiosity, and an open mind. And snacks, drinks, whatever else you like!

    Booking as a couple? It’s common to treat these sessions like a date night with a close friend. Often couples come with snacks, wine, tea, or anything else that creates a supportive, open atmosphere.

    60 Minutes $250
    90 Minutes $360

    Virtual in ZOOM (video optional)

    Audio recording available for download after session.

    ** 90-Minute session is recommended for the best experience reviewing two charts **

  • Gift a 60-Minute Session

    Give the gift of self-discovery.

    For the person you know who needs a perspective shift - gift them a one hour 1:1 Insight Session.

    Even if it’s out of the box for them - every one wants to be seen as their true selves and celebrated for it. Sessions meet people where they’re at. There’s no pre-req to self-discovery.

    60 Minute Session, $250


    Audio recording available for download after.

    A coupon code is issued for future session booking.

    Book a Gift Card to give to someone any time you’re ready, or book it with their information to be sent immediately.

  • Gift a 90-Minute Session

    Give the gift of self-discovery and a perspective shift.

    Perfect for individuals ready to go deep, couples, parents, siblings, business partners or any other partnership to understand each other’s framework and thrive together.

    90 Minute Session, $360


    For the gift card to be delivered immediately - input the recipient’s details at time of booking.

    For gifting at your convenience - input your information. A certificate code is issued for session booking.

Questions? Contact us.

If you have questions about sessions or don’t see times that work for you - reach out to me or the team at