Taylor Khoury’s Human Design FAQs

  • What information do I need to provide to book a session?

    At booking - there’s a space to input your birth date, exact birth time and location to access the complete blueprint of your framework.

  • I have questions. Where can I contact you?

    Absolutely! You can reach us at support@taylorkhoury.com.

  • I know nothing about Human Design, and never had a reading. Is this accessible for beginners?


    All sessions and programs meet you exactly where you’re at. If you’re a total newbie or have experience with Human Design - individual session and programs are fully customized to you.

  • What if I don't know my Energy Type? Where can I get my Human Design chart?

    You can look up your chart for free on any of the sites below.

    Check the chart information to see your Energy Type (Manifestor, Projector, Reflector, Generator, or Manifesting Generator).

    Get Your Chart HERE

    or HERE

  • How can I be most prepared for sessions?

    Come as you are.

    And if you have a few minutes to prep (not necessary):

    Have a glass of water or delicious drink

    A journal and pen

    Seated comfortably

    Notifications off and other windows closed

    A space that feels pleasing to you

    No time to prep?

    Come as you are.

  • What if I don't know my exact birth time?

    If you’re not sure of your exact birth time - first, check with your mom, if possible, to ask if she remembers a ballpark time.

    You can also check with the hospital or birth center to see if they have record.

    If you still don’t know - you can explore birth time verification services. I have never personally done it, so I don’t have anyone I can recommend.

    If you know a window of time - you can use a window of time and different references from your birthdate to look at the changes in a chart.

    If you get a window of time. reach out to me at support@taylorkhoury.com. I will check the time to let you know if a reading is possible.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Like anything in life, you will get out of sessions and immersions what you put into it.

    While we do offer refunds - the results you get are up to you. We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will see results.

    Our hope is that your business and life are forever transformed with the support offered and skills you develop through our offerings. We also expect you to give it your very best effort. That’s why in order to be eligible for our refund, you must submit proof that you did the coursework or answer our questionnaire from your session.