How to Manifest Your Real Dreams
Want to create an effective, simple strategy for your real dreams? This is for you.
A Story on Strategy Style + Why It Matters
On a call last year with a long term client - she shared her dream to be a celebrity and star on a TV show - and now a year later, she’s a growing celebrity with an upcoming sold out live audience show.
After years of auditions, agents and connections - she said she just felt blocked. Fast forward to today - she’s been featured in Forbes and Vogue, landed multiple top rated talk show and podcast interviews, created a unique brand and top selling products, and sold out live shows.
Why am I telling you this? Because when her approach to planning and strategy changed - everything else changed.
At first - she only focused on the TV show and any path that led to a show of her own. She couldn’t see beyond other opportunities or pathways because in her mind a TV show was the only way.
As we got into her design, conditioning, and true desires - the strategy changed. She went from a strategy to manifest a TV show to a strategy for feeling seen, connected to her strengths, and ultimately able to use her voice to inspire others and speak on topics she cares about.
The more she got curious about what could work out that she never predicted - the more opportunities she walked right into that would have been ignored before.
So what is manifesting and why should you care?
Manifesting is to show something clearly through signs or actions.
If you like life now and don’t want anything to change - don’t bother even reading this. But if your goal is to live life as the fullest version of yourself - then growth is inevitable - and growth and success aren’t universal. Otherwise someone else’s rule book would work for everyone else too.
Ultimately trust what feels natural to you. If setting goals and resolutions inspires you - don’t hold back! Go for it.
If goal setting exhausts you and paves a road to shame - can you try a new approach or skip it all together?
Feeling the pressure of the New Year?
New Year, New You - right? I call BS on that.
I love a fresh start, a brand new planner full of blank changes, and the feeling of a new world writing a new year. How can it not feel like the perfect chance to reflect, reset and start fresh?
But I’m not magically a new person with the new year, SO it also feels like a slap in the face reminding me of all the goals from last year that didn’t happen. It’s like a perfectly wrapped moment of dread, panic and shame for me to gift myself for the new year. WEEEE!
The thoughts in my head sounded like “really, Taylor? Another year gone by and you still haven’t started your podcast cor published your book? You really haven’t de-conditioned from all your self-doubt, people pleasing and codependency? What is wrong with you? Everyone else seems to be doing it all just fine.”
A real ball of joy the voice in my head can be - but let’s be real - self-sabotage has been one of my top skills for years (hello, conditioining). I have the tips you don’t need on how to beat yourself to a pulp with shame, stress, and pressure, sabotage your dreams and manifest fears. BUT years of self-sabotage taught me that shame, blame and self-critcism will NEVER fuel my transformation into the type of person I want to be and the life I want to create.
I can set set all the rituals, resolutions, goals, visions, intentions, and magical wishes I want - but at the end of the day, if I don’t believe I’m worthy of living out the life I dream about - how will I evolve into the kind of person I want to be?
So YES I have goals, intentions and dreams - but above all else - I have a vision of the kind of person I want to be in all areas of my life. When I am clear on the kind of person I want to be, the qualities I want to embody, and the way I want to make people feel - what to do next gets easier. No matter what comes my way - I can ask myself “what would a kind/generous/honest person do in this moment?”
A New Approach to New Year’s Resolutions
Do your intentions and resolutions feel like accountability for inspired action?
Or lingering clouds of dread, self doubt, and sabotage waiting to pour shame all over you?
Do you want to reflect on last year and set goals for the new year?
Do you not connect to any specifics and instead want to feel a certain way for the new year?
Explore your strategy style from your Human Design chart to see how it feels for you.
How to Find Your Strategy Style
First things first, check out this post for your chart and more details about the fundamentals.
To find out your manifest / strategy style - look at the four arrows at the top of your chart.
To determine if your style is Specific or Non-Specific - see which direction the bottom arrow on the right side points. The four arrows have endless rabbit holes to go in - but for today’s rabbit hole - we’re focusing on strategy and manifestation style.
If the bottom right arrow points to the LEFT - you have a specific manifestation strategy style
If the bottom right arrow points to the RIGHT - you have a non-specific manifestation strategy style
**If you don’t see four arrows - try to switch orientation in your phone or switch to a full site view on a computer.**
For this chart - Sarah has a SPECIFIC strategy / manifest style with the bottom right arrow pointing to the left.
For this chart - Laura has a NON-SPECIFIC strategy / manifest style with the bottom right arrow pointing to the right.
So what do Specific and Non-Specific mean?
A person with a specific strategy style thrives with a plan.
A person with a non-specific strategy style thrives going with flow, without a plan.
Specific Manifest / Strategy Style
The life of your dreams starts in the little visions and images that tug at your heart. The plan may not always be followed (depending on the rest of your chart) - but taking the time to make a strategy, uncover your desires, and be clear on what you want is essential.
Don’t hold yourself back from your ideas and wants because they seem odd, wild, out there, etc. Take the time to pause and write out what you want. You thrive with a strategy and plan to approach life in all areas - big or small.
Be clear and specific when possible - even if you don’t know all the details - include the parts you know. For example - let’s say you don’t know all the details of your dream house, but you can see a room on the second floor for your art studio with big corner windows facing west, creaky hardwood floors, and a view of the big tree in the front yard that you’ll look at when painting in the early morning with your hot tea.
Then put down what you do know. Write about the art room and accept that it’s all you know for now. Practice regularly asking yourself what you want - big and small.
Then ask - why do you want it? What will it add to your life? A clear why can be a game changer on the hard days for Specifics and Non-Specifics.
Questions to Explore for Specifics
Without any judgement or editing - what do you want in your life next year?
If this was the last year you could go after your dreams - what would be your priority?
What images or visions do you have for your future? Are there any moments that come to mind?
If your biggest dream was here now - what would you do differently today in your everyday life?
Non-Specific Manifest / Strategy Style
The life of your dreams is filled with opportunities that leave you feeling exactly how you want to feel that you could have never predicted or seen coming. Life leads you places you couldn’t predict. You’re at home working when a feeling comes over you to check out the new coffee shop down the road - so you go - and a friend from college you haven’t seen in years walks in right behind you. Standing in line and catching up - they share about their new podcast, realize your story is perfect for the show, and invite you on the next week. Your episode goes viral and your inventory for the entire year sells out in one week and changes the course of your business. And the growth all happened because you followed the feeling to try the new coffee shop down the street.
If you felt like you had to follow your plan how to follow your schedule how to stick to your routine you may be able to doubted yourself and not even done it first place. Instead of trying to predict your life - can you connect to how you want to feel? I especially love Danielle LaPorte’s work around core desired feelings for non-specifics. If you haven’t heard of her - be sure to check her books out. But for starters - pick three feelings that highlight how you want to feel in the new year.
Need ideas for core desired feelings?
Confident. Abundant. Generous. Wild. Grounded. Relaxed
Write your desired feelings on a post it for your bathroom mirror, computer screen, or anywhere you’ll be reminded daily.
What are the little and big moments that leave you feeling how you want to feel?
You may not be able to predict the opportunities headed your way - but you’ll know it’s for you by the way it makes you feel. You’ll think “I had no idea this existed - but it provides all the values and feelings I want in my life”.
A plan isn’t necessary to thrive but trusting your flow is essential.
Questions to Explore for Non-Specifics
If what (dream job, money, relationship, etc) you want to manifest was in your life right now - how would your life be different? What value would it provide to your life? What different actions would you take? How would you feel?
What can you let go of that you’re clinging to? What can you release that you thought you wanted?
How do you want to feel? Explore core desired feelings.
Dream Big.
At the end of the day - do you know you are worthy of all of your dreams and visions? It’s true. I know me saying that won’t make you believe it. You won’t ever exist again though. SO why not go after your dreams? You only get one life. You’re the only one who can turn your life experiences, gifts, skills and perspective into a masterpiece.
I know taking action is hard when FEAR is loud, de-conditioning is deep, and life moves fast. That’s why I’m a big believer in tools to shift perspective, shake up your norm, and make transformation easy on yourself. It doesn’t take a new year to reset and reflect. Why not let every day be a chance to reset, reflect, and set intentions?
Hope this post helps with the pressure of New Year’s resolutions.
Here’s to living fully -
XO, Taylor
P.S. I’d love to hear what comes up for you with manifesting and answer any questions. Leave your comments below.
Ready for more?
For specifics of your chart - schedule a 1:1 call with me.
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